Forms in English
Application form - company agreement
For Google Chrome users: If your browser has trouble viewing or using a PDF document, try downloading the document to your computer and use Adobe Acrobat Reader instead.
Your company agreement will normally be set up within 5 working days, and then you are ready to order First Card.
Application forms for companies with existing agreements
For Google Chrome users: If your browser has trouble viewing or using a PDF document, try downloading the document to your computer and use Adobe Acrobat Reader instead.
Normally it takes up to 2 working days before we send your First Card. Your First Card will then reach you between 2 to 3 working days after shipment.
Apply for cards with corporate liability
Apply for cards with corporate liability with invoices to cardholder´s home address
Apply for cards with private liability
Other applications
General terms & conditions
Travel insurance
Notification of claim - Insurances for First Card Travel insurance
Fact sheets and product information
Price list
When you make purchases and cash withdrawals in EEA currencies, you can use the calculator below to compare the exchange rates used by Nordea with the European Central Bank’s (ECB’s) reference rates. Select your card in the calculator and enter the transaction amount, currency and date. The calculator will show you the amount you will be debited in euros and the difference between Nordea’s exchange rate and the ECB’s reference rate.
As exchange rates change from day to day, you will always get Nordea’s daily rate by using the calculator and entering your transaction details in the calculator.